Big Game Retriever Pro


This reel can handle all big game, including alligator, gator gar, shark and stingray. Slotted components allow the end of the line to be tied off to an external float and pull free from the reel. This system allows big game to pull free from your gear by tugging a float from your bow. Just follow the float to track big game.

SIMPLE TO USE WITH NO BUTTONS TO PUSH: Always in free-spool mode. Just draw and shoot!

ZERO DRAG: The line is stacked in a bottle rather than wound on a drum or spool so there is no drag on the line

HEAVY-DUTY CONSTRUCTION: Brass gears, composite housing and stainless steel hardware

RUGGED LINE: Twenty-five (25) yards of 450# test premium Spectra line

SKU: SKU-46 Category: